The Animals Collection

The animal kingdom, over the years, has excited mankind with its splendor. Our domestic friends and helpers have been key to our progress and well-being. And our world’s wildlife often impress us with its majesty. Here’s a few samples.

Eagle 1 Web
Eagle 2 Web
Eagle 4 Web
Eagle 1
H: 9″, W: 9″, D: 9″
Eagle 2
H: 12″, W: 8″, D: 9″
Eagle 4
H: 7″, W: 6″, D: 7″
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Courtship Web Bear - The Attack Web
Twin Eagles
H: 12″, W: 9″, D: 8″
 The Courtship
H: 13″, W: 14″, D: 9″
The Attack
H: 12″, W: 6″, D: 7″
H: 10″, W: 7″, D: 7″
Eagle 3 Web Bear - Prowl Web
Eagle 3
H: 8″, W: 6″, D: 11″
The Prowl
H: 5″, W: 9″, D: 6″
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Bear - Mates Web
H: 7″, W: 12″, D: 9″
The Cub
H: 5″, W: 12″, D: 9″