The Spiritual Collection

With historical giants to learn from, like Michelangelo and Bernini, the world of spiritual based sculpting is breathtaking. A trip to Italy to view their works in real life is indeed a joy. Putting my toe in the waters of that awe inspiring world has been rewarding.

Paul Web
Saint Peter Web
St Matthew Web
Vision of Saint Paul
H: 12″, W: 12″, D: 11″
Saint Peter
H: 12″, W: 8″, D: 6″
Saint Matthew
H: 13″, W: 11″, D: 9″
 ***  ***  ***
Saint Mark Web
St Francis Web
Baptist Web
Saint Mark
H: 14″, W: 9″, D: 9″
Saint Francis
H: 13″, W: 8″, D: 9″
John the Baptist
H: 13″, W: 10″, D: 6″
 ***  ***  ***
Monk Web
Jerome Web
Jeremiah Web
The Monk
H: 14″, W: 9″, D: 8″
Saint Jerome
H: 11″, W: 11″, D: 7″
H: 8″, W: 8″, D: 6″
 ***  ***  ***
Moses Law Web The Way Web
Moses the Law Giver
H: 10″, W: 6″, D: 6″
Moses at the Red Sea
H: 19″, W: 12″, D: 8″
The Way (Jesus Christ)
H: 13″, W: 10″, D: 6″
 ***  ***  ***
Praise Web Protection Web
Praise: Lord’s
Prayer Series
H: 12″, W: 5″, D: 5″
Protection: Lord’s
Prayer Series
H: 12″, W: 5″, D: 5
Pardon: Lord’s
Prayer Series
H: 12″, W: 5″, D: 5
Promise: Lord’s
Prayer Series
H: 12″, W: 5″, D: 5 
The Agony of Christ
H: 13″, W: 7″, D: 7″
 ***  ***  ***
Holy Family Web Pharisee Web Judas Web
The Holy Family
H: 14″, W: 5″, D: 5″
H: 13″, W: 10″, D: 9″
Judas Iscariot
H: 11″, W: 8″, D: 8″ 
Adam Web
Creation of Adam
H: 8″, W: 13″, D: 5″